Tus Sueños Sagrados
Book Details
About the Book
Desde su transformación espiritual hace muchos años, Alba se desempeña como maestra y consejera espiritual, recibiendo visiones místicas frecuentes relacionadas a los planos elevados de Luz y su impacto en la Tierra. Recibió el Sendero Paramita, un sistema de sanación y desarrollo espiritual conducente a la iluminación, como resultado de una experiencia mística profunda. Desde entonces se dedica a transmitir las enseñanzas del Sendero Paramita internacionalmente. Obtuvo un doctorado en psicolingüística de Harva
About the Author
Dr. Alba Ambert, has been a spiritual teacher, healer and spiritual counselor for many years. As a result of profound mystical experiences, she received the Paramita Path system of spiritual healing and spiritual evolution. She is now dedicated to teaching the Paramita Path worldwide. She received a doctoral degree in psycholinguistics from Harvard University. She has published poetry collections, essays, short stories, children’s books and novels. Her spiritual publications include The Paramita Path to Healing and Spiritual Growth and A Path of Light. She lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.