Anchors Of Faith
How To Live The Christian Lifestyle
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About the Book
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AOF 8/27/03
One time, when I was on the road as a salesman, just for fun, I took a survey of the people I met every day for a whole week. I asked each person to describe his or her life to me in a few short words. I wrote down their comments and later arranged them into two groups of responses. From the first group (#1) I heard comments like: life is boring, a sad saga, annoying, many struggles, very challenging, filled with emotional ups and downs, very bland, like a roller coaster, always dull, difficult, unpredictable, strained, disgusting.
But, there was a second group (#2) who replied with enthusiasm. They said things like: my life is good! Great! Expectant! A blast! Pregnant! Peaceful! Quiet! Blessed! Happy and - lots of fun!
If were to ask you to describe your life to me, would you respond like those in negative group #1 or as those in positive group #2?
Well if you find yourself in negative group #1, I’ve got good news for you. You can learn how to put all of that behind you. You can acquire a positive, optimistic outlook and at the same time put more fun in your life! How? READ THIS BOOK!
You see, in my book I explain, with many examples and true stories how God demonstrated again and again to me that his greatest desire is to be our best friend. Our buddy. Our guide. But, best of all, he wants us to see him as our own personal loving father who wants nothing less than the best of everything for us - as his son or daughter because he loves us so very much.
As I prayerfully wrote this book (Anchors Of Faith) about events in my life, I realized that there was something "mysterious" happening in each story. I don’t mean this is a "mystery" book, but, instead, as you read it, I believe you will be aware of what I call the "mysterious" spiritual message God has put in this book especially for you. That message seems to be written "between the lines" of what I wrote. My words and thoughts are simply my honest attempt to explain to you, by way of many examples and stories about my life, the hundreds of ways God wants to help us have interesting and enjoyable lives. In addition, he does his best to help us find answers to life´s constant questions about: faith, children, the Bible, fellowship, missions, money, prayer and self worth.
So, if you want to find ways to change your attitude about your life, find ways to have more fun and what I call “a blast” or a “party” for the rest of your life, you need to read this book soon!
Terrance L. Weber
About the Author
TERRY WEBER, born in 1927 in New Jersey, is the retired owner of Weber & Sons, Inc, a printing and direct mail advertising business, in Freehold, NJ. After discharge from the Navy in 1948, he attended college at night, and worked days in his father's office machine business. Later, he was a copywriter with an advertising agency in Dayton, OH. Some of the letters he wrote for a client, were awarded a prize for creative excellence by the Direct Mail Advertising Association of New York. Now, Terry and his wife Doris, who have eleven grown children, work as volunteer Care-A-Vanners, a part of Habitat For Humanity. They travel across the USA in their motorhome from one build to another several months out of each year. They enjoy this work because there are so many obvious benefits when needy families achieve the dignity and pride that comes with owning new homes. Author Biography: