Unjust Cause

by Ray Benoit & George Vomvoris



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 21/07/2000

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9780738824208
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9780738824215

About the Book

Thos 300 page sotry starts with a Canadian priest tells the story to his congregation about this man that was also their friend. This moving story starts in a small church as the snow fell to the earth that cold night.


As the story unfolds, you will come to understand how and why something like this can, and will happen to people at any given time. You will change as the story changes. You will have tears and at times, you will be angry. What this man went through just to find peace. But how could he?

Father Beaudine will take you through the action and the drama, the uncertainty that´s always there around every corner. How he felt for this man. You to will feel what he felt. At times you will agree and maybe disagree. But your heart will go out to Matt, why?

The tender love that was almost there, but always seemed to slip away. You´ll picture the beauty of the Canadian wilds that blends in from the beginning to the end.

This story contains much violence, with a mild language.

About the Author

Ray came from Massachusetts, then, moved to Connecticut for many years. He has three children that are married and have children of their own. He later moved to Florida where he now resides. George Vomvoris is from Bradenton Florida. He started putting songs together for various Artists. He has two children, a son and daughter. Ray and George came together some time ago and wrote many novels that they believe would give the readers the mystery, the intrigue, and the love that makes a good story for all to read and to enjoy.