Rape by Candlelight

A soul massaging healer through poetic verse

by Lynette Vines Calvert-Ph.D. With Rosa Lee Nobles Vines



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/04/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9798369434116
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9781413429893

About the Book

The term “rape” is used to describe negative and forceful actions. The term “Rape by Candlight” is intended to help individuals to readjust to the real world through the beauty of literature and verse. Much of the poetry in this book is designed to give the physically and the mentally molested individual a sense of self worth. It does so with a deep and genuine understanding of what the victim has suffered. It further teaches these special human beings how to powerfully love themselves and how to maintain a healthy sexual attitude as they enter the wonderful world of adulthood.

About the Author

I, Lynette Vines Calvert, am a native of Washington D.C. who has also lived in Baltimore, Maryland. I am the youngest of three children and a holder of four college degrees and two certificates, ranging from a certificate in Early Childhood Education through a Ph.D. in education. I graduated with highest academic honors at the AS, MA, and the Ph.D. levels. I now reside in Radcliff Kentucky with my husband, who recently retired from the U.S. Army, and my seven children. I began writing at age six and have been involved in the wonderfully rewarding world of literature ever since.