A Million to One

by E. Bassey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/10/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9781479726233
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9781479726226

About the Book

With no wife, no job and seemingly no hope, Joel Crope appears to be at his wit’s end. All he has to look forward to in the world is his daughter, his best friend and a harebrained scheme that is insane enough to possibly work. If things go wrong he could lose his freedom. However if everything goes according to plan he could construct a beautiful situation for his child and possibly himself. Witness Joel Crope as he “risks” his life in an attempt to secure his daughter’s future, although the odds are “A Million to One.”

About the Author

About the Author E. Bassey was born on August 27, 1981. He was born and raised in the Bronx NY. E. Bassey began practicing the art of rhyming at the age of eleven after being fascinated with one of Hip Hop culture’s art forms (rap). He has been doing it ever since. It wasn’t until about ten years later after a few of life’s experiences and some growth, when he diligently started expressing himself through poetry. Confident in his talents, E. Bassey began his quest for success in the arena of writing.