by Hilda Terry



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 13/02/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781599265704

About the Book

Forgotten Has-Beens is an introductory booklet for the Cemetery in Cyberspace, an international informational Burial Society sponsored by the 8 Henderson Place Foundation for keeping alive the memory of special unforgettables as they become forgotten, preserving their achievements in Websites in Perpetuity. This institution was founded in memory of Dorcas Good, a 5 year old child convicted of witchcraft in 1692. having emerged mentally deranged from the trauma of confinement, the child had little memory of her past life. Instead she had filled a mental void with memories of an extended reclusion in Nature’s Eternal backup. Reincarnated June 25, 1914, during the witches’ revenge historically recalled as the Salem Fire, these memories emerged as the expressions of a cartoonist that, over a lifetime covering 91 years so far, slowly revealed a new meaning for things in our world that are taken for granted. The most dramatic is the undeniable evidence that we don’t die. Reincarnation IS Nature’s System for recycling immortal life.

About the Author

Born in Newburyport, Mass., June 25, 1914, Cartoonist Hilda Terry was joking about the coincidence of her birth until after her 65th year, the official life expectancy at that time, realizing there was something more to the coincidence, a search for a simple guardian angel or something led to the eventual discovery in 1992 of certain WPA research confirming a paranormal connection. What she learned can be found on her website,