Life, Love, and Letting Go

by Laura A. Fisher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/12/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781469111773
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781436342520

About the Book

“Life, Love and Letting Go”, is a collection of poems by Laura A. Fisher that were written between the years of 1996-2006. The poems speak about the many aspects of life. It speaks of family, love, lust, lost, slavery, pain, war and many other things. I began writing in elementary school where my 5th grade teacher Ms Quattlander told me I had a way with words. There are so many things that people neglect to notice, or are yet to understand; so through my poems I want to help them to see life in a different light. Notice things they’ve ignored and open up both their minds and hearts to things that they have long ago shut out and cast away. If you enjoyed this book, look out for my next book “Inside the heart of a glass knight”.

About the Author

My Full Name is Laura Ashley Fisher Smith; I was born to Sharon Fisher and Lawrence Smith on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 1986. I was born and raised in the north Bronx part of New York. I am the youngest of six siblings; there are two girls and four boys. I attended P.S. 78, M.S. 180, Harry S. Truman and Bronx Academy high school. My education and career background is childcare, education and healthcare. I adore crystal and porcelain nick knacks, horror films, and all different types of music. I have a genuine love for children and animals. My hobbies are writing poetry, playing the piano, beading and photography. I started writing at the age of ten and have written three books of poetry; Life Love and Letting go, Inside the Heart of a Glass knight, and The color of life: Blood and tears. My poetic idles are Maya Angelou and Paul Laurence Dunbar.