Book Details
About the Book
Deep in a forgotten time, in a land long lost, it is up to Gregory the crow, Roja the raccoon, and Aron the cricket to save not just their home, but the entire Tairama valley from the misguided Hannah Banana. To stop Hannah, not only must the three find the king of the forest, but find a king of whom they have just heard. Now doesn’t that seem just a little absurd?
About the Author
Im sixteen years old, I have been writing for a long time but this will be my first time publishing anything. I am the oldest of my seven siblings, which as funny as it sounds aint no joke. Most of my studies have been through home education, and of course the addition of outside tutoring, as well as my own interest in the world I live in. there are many hobbies I hold outside of writing including, my church choir, drawing, reading, and boxing (im reaching for one hit K.O.s, everyday). I live in Stroudsburg Pennsylvania A.K.A “lil new York” as it has slowly come to be called, and I’ve grown to love it. my musical interest include, Rap, hip-hop, R&B, jazz, funk, rock, swing, techno, and classical. One of my biggest goals not just with this book, but with everything I do, is to make an impact (sort of my mark) on the fresh foundation of this world before it dries, and its like what one of my favorite artist Tupac Amaru Shakur once said, “We talk a lot about Malcolm X and Martin Luther King JR, but It's time to be like them, as strong as them. They were mortal men like us and everyone of us can be like them. I don't want to be a role model. I just want to be someone who says, this is who I am, this is what I do. I say what's on my mind, ya see I may not be the one to change the world, but if I can spark the mind that someday will that will make all the difference so, even though im marked for death, im gonna spark till my last breath.”