Gangster Game

by Michael Pierce



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 175
ISBN : 9781441568892

About the Book

Julian Ware is rescued from a severe beating by a beautiful but mysterious woman. She begins to teach him the ways of the streets and convinces him to take revenge on the guys that assaulted him. Trying to be manly, he sets out to kill the guys but get caught immediately. Facing life in prison, the officer tells him to work for him and nobody will know what happened. Agreeing to his terms, his life starts to spiral out of control. He receives contracts to kill powerful people in Metro Detroit and eventually he receives a contract on the police that solicited his help. Confused over what is going on, he tries to back out of the deal. The decision costs him everything dear to him. He finds his mother slain and his girl missing. He lashes out at the people responsible: The Mob! After attacking the Detroit Mob, he takes the battle to the heart of the Mob, New York! Dashing out of New York, he is severely wounded as he re-enters Michigan. Finding out that the mob didn't have anything to do with it, he points his finger in another direction. The revelation devastate him and he set the wheels of revenge in motion only to regret it!

About the Author

Michael Pierce was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He has a wife and five kids. Growing up on the streets, he fell into the street life. After many dark moments, he knew there was a light somewhere. Finding it before the darkness buried him, he is and remains grateful. His novels come from experience and are labeled as truth wrapped in fiction. Gangster Game is his first novel but many more will follow!