River of Elephants

by Travis Sharp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/04/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 109
ISBN : 9781450082242
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 109
ISBN : 9781450082259
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 109
ISBN : 9781450082266

About the Book

River Of Elephants is a collection of short poems made to inspire, any and everyone with an artistic view. These poems share his touch of love on words in a literary sojourn of the soul. This is a third collection written with his unique expression, where he is able to put inspiriting morals in setting, allowing emotion into universal angles of perspective to be felt . . .

About the Author

Travis has released five music albums as a lyricist, producer, and song writer. Published An American Omen as a first poetry book. Sharp Sense is the second poetry book release written with his unique expression. Travis is able to put morals in setting, allowing emotion into universal angles of perspective to be felt. My son has been brought into the world, opening my eyes to reality of the family struggle I battled against by the loss of my parents. I’m able to let go of an genuine expression an audience, easily, inspirationally portrays. With positive thoughts, on my side, I use my unique poetry to inspire with passionate, authentic environments. The thought of making others smile, makes poetry more enjoyable to explore.