by Daniel James Webb



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/12/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781469137674
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781469137667
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781469137650

About the Book


I wrote this book of “prose ‘n poems” after I moved to Cape Cod to take a job n live by the ocean after leaving the Maine-lands with 7 years of bar hoping, basket passing coffee houses, walking the cobblestone parking lot of Portland, Maine where I saw poetry in motion three hundred and sixty five days per year and I walked naked and flowing in the moment all over that beautiful city.

Of course it takes true happiness to write happy and snappy and low down blues to play this game. "DANIEL JAMES WEBB" is a book of poems n prose n journal-eskkk freight train rambles. It stars the true American boy as our narrator and through his experiences and visions and illuminations, we walk across American culture where it belongs, in the mind of a sharp, cynical, angry, mad, existing poet of the mountains. This blue book blows bugles n balcony riddles, crying in the midnight moonlight trying for so many years to please the paper, the people, the mind, the love struck poet in Cape Cod puddles, babe, drunk without worry or wicked sins deep down in six feet of ground, boy, cause I've got a woman I can love. Lord, Lord, tell the whole world what I can do!

I've been so wild baby! It seems the talk’s all over town

-Daniel James Webb
Cape Cod, Ma

About the Author


was born Daniel James Webb on September 16, nine-teen-eight-thy-too- to James Daniel Webb and Maureen Burke Webb. Grew up in Natick, Massachusetts in Huckleberry Finn Pumpkin Pine existence playing soccer. Pretending to be a wrestler. I discovered music and poetry. iIsaw "Jim Carrol" in basketball diaries with his fold-up-blue notebook of poems ‘n prose. Graduated high school half-semester early to travel, work & get arrested.

I moved to Portland, Maine to escape suburban plain-ol-days , I worked in restaurants and walked the golden road of becoming a man while possesed by poems ‘n dancing in the winter frost, face all over the place absolution. Moved home with family after 7 years up north for financial reasons where I re-united with dear sweet long time friends ‘n family. For sure, I walked naked in my neighborhood 41 par-cent of the time without rolling n stumbling. While I saved money and worked on salary where I met her (the one, Jessie). After a year, we moved down the Cape Cod to start our lives together. We were living half from Bass River Beach where we walked almost every night, watching fireworks on Fourth of July and talking all night in the fire cackling excitement of Cape Cod summer nights. We bought our own house, Jessie & Me in good ol Cape Cod where we exist together happy in love. Forever. Hope you like the book. Believe it!

Daniel James Webb
Cape Cod, Ma