The Barefoot Leader
Simple Effective Leadership
Book Details
About the Book
The purpose of leadership is to get better results. Leaders are most useful when they are improving outcomes. Everything else that a leader does is an input to this final output, and everything shared in this book is based on this idea. This book is written for current and aspiring leaders within organisations. The organisation might be your own start-up, a mid-size corporation, a global multinational, a not for profit or a government department. The principles in this book are derived from human behaviour and therefore transcend organisational structure, size and industry type. Where any group of people gather together to achieve an outcome, this book will help the leaders in that group achieve a better outcome.
About the Author
JAMES CAROLIN is an author, speaker, company director and board member who has worked with many different client organisations around the world. His clients have ranged in size from eight to over 75,000 employees, from under $2m in revenues to over $50bn. They are leaders from banking and finance, resources, healthcare, telecommunications, construction, hospitality, professional services, utilities and travel industries, as well as not for profits, parastatals and government departments. In addition to helping clients achieve success he has been a founding member and fundamental to the successful growth of a number of consulting firms.