The Power of Prayer

by Chucks Uzonwanne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/12/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781499089141
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781499089134

About the Book

The importance attached to the inspiration which the power of prayer creates is the inundation with the ability to pray, and the insight it grants you to conceive thoughts that are liberating and true. This will make you believe for your faith to be active and will enhance your relationship and confidence in God. The power of prayer will also cause you to bear the fruits of righteousness and make you operate in the gifts of the Spirit as you delve into the realms of the spirit through prayer and the study of the word of God. These make the power of prayer an expose of light able to shine forth spiritual verities that will unveil scales of obscurity beclouding your journey to higher life. This is because it is endued with the ability to enact ultimate intimacy with Almighty Jehovah; and with perspective and fervour, the power of prayer will stay your mind always so you can find perfect peace in Christ Jesus. This revelation exposes that the quality of any relationship is determined by the quality of the communication. Invariably, the Power of Prayer will teach you on how to effectively pray, so you can be empowered to change hopeless situations and always be in control of your life! Wherefore, get ready; for the power of prayer will challenge you to hear, heed and do the word for results. And also convert and metamorphose you to be humble, teachable and obedient to the voice of the Spirit of Almighty God.

About the Author

Chucks Uzonwanne is the Pastor and Founder of Christ House of Destiny Ministries, a non-denominational, multi-cultural ministry also known as Voice of Bliss Outreach International with headquarter in London, United Kingdom. Pastor Chucks is an inspirational, motivational and dynamic teacher of the word of God whose insightful teaching will take you on a revelatory journey to know God. He is an experienced preacher of faith with the vision to build a better world by preaching the truth of God’s word, and believes passionately in the demonstration of the character of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chucks as he is fondly known is entrusted with the message of Destiny. He is called to prepare and equip God’s chosen people to walk in their destiny with the knowledge of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his ministry many who were sick have received their healing, and have discovered their faith and received salvation in Christ Jesus. Pastor Chucks is also involved in the growth and development of ministries both in Africa, United Kingdom and beyond. He is the MD/CEO of Destiny Multiplex International and Geographics Computers Limited. An entrepreneur and to his credit, the author of the best seller ‘Faith for Increase: How to Exercise your Faith’ and ‘Having Confidence in God being led by His Spirit.’ He has also authored inspirational best sellers like ‘The Power of Prayer,’ ‘Strong Faith,’ ‘The Elevation of the Spirit’ and ‘Life Transforming Prayer’ and other books yet to be published.