We Met in September

by Annmarie Sartor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/01/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781503522985
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781503522978
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781503522961

About the Book

Ned Ellion has it all. He’s at the top of the business world. He has family and friends he cherishes and a beautiful wife he adores. He lives the literal lifestyle of the rich and famous. Little does he know that catastrophe lurks right around the corner, and his life and all he holds dear will be threatened and tested again and again. We Met in September is a riveting story of love, loss, and hope chronicling the rise to success and disappearance of international sailing magnet Ned Ellion. As her world spins out of control, Kathryn Chambers Ellion embarks on a frantic search for her missing husband, answers to impossible questions, and the touch of magic that only true love can inspire.

About the Author

Annmarie Sartor graduated from Northeast Louisiana University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and public relations. She works in communications for a Fortune 200 company and devotes much of her spare time and energy to nonprofit endeavors in her local community. Annmarie is the author of The Alexis Marsh Trilogy, a romantic suspense thriller that follows the journey of a privileged girl who learns about life through heartache, love, and fierce determination. Annmarie and her husband are lifelong residents of Louisiana and share their home with their canine children. Visit AnnmarieSartor.com, facebook.com/annmariesartorauthor, @ASartor, TruthLiesandAlibis.com, SecretsRevelationsandSalvation.com, and LoveHateandFate.com.