I’m Not Alone
Book Details
About the Book
From Staycia Dillard’s book of poetry, Words of Affirmation, comes to life a poetess, Makeda Brukawits, in the sequel, I’m Not Alone. Another season has ended in her life. With the path that has now been chosen, she finds herself happily married and living in Lafayette, Louisiana. However, this had not always been the case. Reflecting upon her life’s journey evokes memories of seasons passed and many storms endured, conceiving doors of indiscretions and shame. Seeking to find the answer to the purpose, Makeda returns to the only one that can provide the answers, learning the most critical lesson of all—she was never alone.
About the Author
Staycia Dillard author of” Words of Affirmation” resides in the Hudson Valley area with her loving husband. Creative writing is of one of her many gifting’s, which began at the age of nine. Graduating Cum Laude at Marist College with a Bachelors in Science, she later obtained a Master's in Social Work from Lehman College. It was the many storms encountered that caused her redemption provoking growth; with each Season was acquired wisdom. Through this knowledge she was gifted these seeds to share in the sequel, “I’m Not Alone.”