The Life and Times of Six Australian Pioneers


by James Arthur Loftus



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781664101579
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781664101555
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781664101562

About the Book

This true life adventure story is the saga of four ordinary Englishmen—a pair of banished, first-time petty thieves and a couple chosen to be settlers—who charted a course that led them to help build and mould an infant country on the remotest continent in the known world. Two of their offspring united to continue the adventure. Vivid first-hand accounts have been pried from the daily, hand-written journals and writings of first-class passengers, crew, and one of the convicts aboard the small wooden sailing ships, as they battled winter storms on the treacherous North Atlantic and Southern Oceans and endured scorching doldrums in the equatorial region. Mutinies, inventions, discoveries, and wars have been chronicled to provide a backdrop of the prevailing international, societal, and interpersonal relationships of the period. Characters from history’s stage weave their way through these pages—figures including James Cook, Horatio Nelson, Robert Emmet, Jonathan Swift, William Bligh, Lachlan Macquarie, Samuel Marsden, Walter Lawry, Alfred Howitt, and some long-forgotten souls like the tragic Margaret Sullivan. Artwork of the period is included to help stimulate the imagination and help place the reader beside the characters as they toiled to eke out an existence. The primary objective of this biography is a quest to achieve a broader, deeper understanding and appreciation of the typical person—including their struggles, challenges, and contributions—in early colonial New South Wales, Victoria, and New Zealand. The goal is to further the development of a robust comprehension of the Life and Times that these Six Australian Pioneers experienced, as well, the millions of other pioneers just like them. This book will also appeal to those with an interest in eighteenth and nineteenth-century Australian, European, and New Zealand history; late eighteenth-century ocean voyages; and those with an interest in artwork of the period.

About the Author

James Arthur Loftus became a student of history at an early age, winning a prize for a piece on the Industrial Revolution during his formative years. His Australian grandfather earned his captain’s papers sailing the seven seas; he proudly boasted that his family’s coat of arms contained the image of a ball and chain. It was his grandfather’s stories, spirit of adventure, and gentle kindness that ultimately sparked an avid interest in sailing, nineteenth-century Australia, and family history, pursuits well over two decades in the making. His grandfather’s sextant is one of his most prized possessions; it has been a constant companion during his extensive explorations of the British Columbia coast on the SV Wand’rin Star, together with his faithful admiral.