by David Lasswell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/10/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781664196391
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781664196384
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781664196407

About the Book

People watched and listened to national television, cable news, and press conferences that placed Joe Biden in his blundering position. Biden told the world how he would use executive orders in killing all of Donald Trump’s successes. We watched newscasts where he ordered the wall to be stopped. We watched as he closed the Keystone Pipe Line. We were shocked when he opened the southern border. We watched in horror when he blotched the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He left Americans and allies behind. We also witnessed Biden’s behavior when the remains of the thirteen military members murdered in Kabul came home to Dover Air Force Base. This book is about Lasswell’s assessment of the Administration and the story behind Biden’s political damage. Then came the stories of Biden’s mandates. Lasswell used his experience in organizing the issues in Biden’s political demise. Lasswell’s coverage of the 2022 mid-terms is masterful. His study of who is in and who is out is complete. His coverage of how the count will read after November 2022 in the Statehouses, Senate and House is fantastically done. By reading this book, you will learn.

About the Author

David Lasswell is a gifted Christian writer who likes to play journalism-hard-ball. A United States Air Force retired non-commissioned-officer, Lasswell is well schooled, highly educated, was a broadcast news anchor, and print-journalism editor. He is a polished political writer. He is a genius when it comes to researching facts. He saw the flawed, failed videos and tainted pictures of Joe Biden’s world. At eighty-years-of-age, he is street-smart and professionally seasoned. Lasswell came out of retirement to complete this writing. He and his wife Barbara, live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.