by David J. Nowel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/05/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9798369421291
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9798369421284

About the Book

An exciting story about the future. As in all his novels, the author uses erotic material as a backdrop to provoke and shock readers while expressing his social political commentaries. Engineers and scientists complain that the sex gets in the way of the story. Some readers have accused the author of using LSD. Some will think that that it is too, too futuristic; however, the author feels it’s prophetic and should already be happening. This is the 4th installment of the ARK’s series starting with: Nickers A Fish from Far Far Away, The ARK Society, Space Station ARK, and Atlantis, After Space Station, ARK. It starts with super intelligence eliminating war by purging those leaders who stand in their way, rather than bombing and killing innocent people. Amanda, Joy (her lover), and Alex want to start all over again by raising their progeny in a new more pristine environment, free from technology. They’re on their way to colonizing a new planet called Avalon that has been prepared by robots. It’s another Garden of Eden. When they land their children are 25 years old. On landing, Alex is greeted by another human, an attractive young female. Her name is Diana, and he is told that genetically he is her father. Diana becomes his guide, friend, and companion. As time goes by, Alex becomes uneasy over the development of his children. He’s beginning to see the bad traits of his species. They’re breaking up into competitive groups. Zack, one of the more villainous of his children becomes a fierce leader of one group. Diana wishes to be more acceptable to her brothers and sisters. Encouraged by Amanda, in the wonders of having a child. Diana was not designed for primitive birthing and will need surgery. While Amanda is doing the surgical procedure, an accident occurs. When Alex learns of Diana’s death he goes into pain and rage. He blames everyone for taking part in the charade. Genie, the main computer, has been Alex’s protector since Space Station, ARK. She has been waiting for this moment. She has learned to take on a human form. She seduces him. He decides that he no longer wants to live there. They have a plan, to find another planet and to create a new species, Homo atlantiens. This is the end of the series but not the end of the story. Homo atlantiens, their progeny will eventually populate the whole universe.

About the Author

David J. Nowel, born in 1935, presently lives in La Quinta, California. He is a graduate of Hobart College, Geneva, New York, Class of 1959 with BA in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology. At nineteen years old, he was very fortunate to be part of Karl H. Pribram Research Team at The Institute of Living, in Hartford, Connecticut. In the operating room he assisted Pribram, a neurosurgeon. At that time, this research laboratory had the largest population of rhesus monkeys. Specific parts of a monkey’s brain were removed; in order, to study their effect on learning. He was also an assistant to Nathan Azrin, who received his doctorate from Harvard, a student of B.F. Skinner. At that time, he was exposed to the best minds in neurophysiology, who visited from up and down the East Coast, Yale, MIT and etc. The Author also spent thirty years working for innovative biomedical companies. He believes that his stories may be prophetic.