Mob and Zagori: And the Gigantic Drill

Searching for gold in the center of the earth

by Dondi Schwartz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9798369426029
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9798369426036

About the Book

After enduring a profound mental breakdown, Mob finds himself released from the confines of a hospital, by his childhood friend, Matlop Zagori who has also traversed a frantic journey in search of his purpose in life. This purpose shares a strange connection with Mob and an even stranger connection to the enormous excavator, the huge drill, relentlessly burrowing an unfathomable chasm deep into the heart of the Earth. This excavation holds the power to unleash cataclysmic consequences as well as potentially reshape the fabric of the entire world. A wondrous tale of friendship, in which love, loyalty, rivalry, deceit, and everything in between, underlies the story, it is told with sentiment, humor and grace. “Mob and Zagori: and the Gigantic Drill”, explores sanity, madness, compassion for others, along with the enduring spirit of giving, in a world that may only appear to be balanced and stable on the outside . This story, if it were ever to unfold in reality, might resonate various aspects within us all. It may make us laugh, bring tears to our eyes, or both, all the while causing us to wonder subconsciously: ‘Mob……Zagori…… the gigantic driller……why did that happen?......and what did it all mean?

About the Author

Dondi (Danny) Schwartz was born in Canada, moving to a kibbutz in southern Israel at a young age. He has published five books in Hebrew, and this book, “Mob and Zagori”, is his third book, the first to be translated into English. He also writes articles for the press, writes and produces films, and paints. On October 7, 2023 his kibbutz underwent a particularly horrific, world-changing terrorist attack, where he survived, and many, many others did not.