Everything a Woman Wants to Hear All Day

by Mar L



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/06/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798369423288
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798369423271
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798369423295

About the Book

It has been over a decade since the first release in the Everything a Woman Wants to Hear love devotional series. Despite the delay, this book is certainly full of quips that have made up for lost time and beyond. Love is always in season, and the sentiment of this first-hand emotion, permeate throughout the chapters from beginning to end. Of the three part series, this particular read is intended for the coffee break, work week, or to be enjoyed as the perfect anecdote to any stressor of the day. It is the consummate prelude to the final book, Everything a Woman Wants to Hear in the Late Night.

About the Author

Mar L continues to entertain readers with his unique Romantic Devotionals. According to him, “The need for romance is quintessential for both men and women equally now more than ever.” He wrote this book to have unisex overtones so that despite the chivalric norms of men engaging women, he says that “men have feelings too.” He prides himself on giving readers access to the sensitive side of men. In his mind, what keeps him youthful is not necessarily staying in shape, eating the right foods, or even getting ample amounts of sleep. For Mar L, it is simply valuing love, believing in love, and all its inner workings. Although the cliché of “love makes the world go ‘round” is very valid no matter the decade or era, you need people to champion the energy required to keep the momentum of the world turning via Love. Mar L believes that these devotionals he has hand crafted are mere cliff notes on how to keep romance alive in the hearts of those who choose to engage in love, and especially believe in it!