Can AI Be Humorous?

Exploring the Lighter Side of AI—Laugh and Learn

by Tom G. Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9798369426944
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9798369426951

About the Book

About the Book


This non-technical, non-threatening book takes the reader on an exploratory tour of using artificial intelligence (specifically ChatGPT) focusing on laughing and learning. It has a flavor of  “learn along with me”. The book uses humor to illustrate ChatGPT's stellar writing capabilities as well as its drawbacks.


The reader will learn how to use ChatGPT with respect to optimizing inputs  (prompts) and critiquing the output and how ChatGPT may help improve their own writing abilities. Hopefully it will take some of the mystery out of artificial intelligence. 


The book format is: my input to ChatGPTChatGPT output, and then my comments or critique of ChatGPT output.


Here is a sample of some of the vignettes in this artificial intelligence (AI) book.


-       Description of various doctors: such as the dermatologist Dr. Constant Itch, the cardiologist Dr. Skip Abeat, the urologist Dr. Max Flow and several more

-       Today's world where children and teens live on their screens

-       The fear of missing out on artificial intelligence (FOMO)

-       Give a non-techie description of how ChatGPT works

-       Give a technical description of how ChatGPT works

-       A visit to the dentist

-       The top 10 music stars, including Taylor Swift

-       A parody of TV drug ads

-       The most useful aspects of ChatGPT

-       The dreaded college admission process

-       Going through airport security

-       The over accomplished family holiday letter

-       The confusing world of TV streaming services

-       Ordering at a restaurant

-       A trip through TSA at the airport

-       Ordering drive through fast food with children

-       The difficulty of using the web

-       A day in the life of your local coffee shop

About the Author

Tom G. Anderson has a master’s degree from Stanford University and has worked for IBM, two startups and HP. He has traveled extensively everywhere from the Panama Canal to northern Norway to Quebec City to Hong Kong. He is married and his children and grandchildren have served as an inspiration for many of the humorous stories. He sits on the Board of Directors of a non-profit startup focusing on aiding and motivating underperforming high school students. He also enjoys reading, walking, keeping up with friends, playing with and teaching his grandchildren, and actually learning from them as well.