Inner Invitations
Book Details
About the Book
This book is for you if you are feeling lost, abandoned, stuck, unmotivated, discouraged, overwhelmed or etc. It is an experiential self-help book that invites and encourages you to find healing within. There are 16 opportunities for you to listen to your very own inner wisdom at a deeper level than is usual for you. Doing the “Try it now!” processes scattered throughout this book will empower you to find and experience more of your personal dream. These processes engage with your very own inner wisdom to know how to bring more balance to patterns that are out-of-balance. Furthermore, while those processes you choose to integrate into your life and living empower you to experience more balance, more healing, more inner freeing in this “now”, they are a sure foundation for living a more emotionally stable life in the future.
About the Author
Lucy Tierney is an author and Inner Wisdom Consultant based in Brisbane, Australia. Her passion is to serve the human family by developing processes and practices that make the potency of inner journeying to become more of my Best Self accessible to anyone interested in embarking on this adventure. In her work, she draws on insights from Jungian psychology, her vast experience as an Inner Wisdom Consultant walking inner journeys with others and her personal experience of a common source of “More-Than-Me” energy which we all experience. Now in her 80’s, Lucy is distilling her life’s work into offerings designed to support people from all walks of life in becoming more of their Best Self, particularly those experiencing strong feelings such as anxiety, confusion, anger, betrayal, not being acknowledged for who they are and such life stressful and traumatic experiences. The business she co-ordinates, Virginia Waters Self-Care, provides support through a variety of inner work modalities that are appropriate under the umbrella title of Inner Wisdom Consultancy. This version of Inner Invitations is the first of a trilogy. Becoming (the second of the trilogy) has a theme of reviewing personal cycles of becoming more of my Best Self with an intent to enrich personal experiences of life and living. Balancing (the third of the trilogy) provides wisdom regarding personal integration of the logic/principle and feeling/relationship capacities that we all have and, when integrated and balanced, are a gift to ourselves and to others. Kathryn Overall-Cass is a songwriter, spiritual director, word-smith and website creator from Tauranga, New Zealand. She was Lucy’s partner for the first print and ebook editions of Inner Invitations.