Parallel Universe

by Sonya Davies



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/10/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781479725700
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781479725717

About the Book

Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia in adolescence are insidious diseases, they steal hope perspective and time sadly the medical profession has a huge divergence of opinion on the illness the causes and the cure there just seems to be no definitive answers. The despair that this causes is deep and searing. This book is about one woman’s fight to restore her daughter to health when diagnosed with these diseases. It charts the many professionals that the family saw to try to find a cure for their daughter. Many of the health professionals dismissed the illness believing it to be a disease of malingerers. This lack of understanding of this illness and its origins is one of the defining reasons for writing this book.

Sufferers need to understand that they are not alone and that there is hope and that this illness is serious and is a real illness, it is not psychosomatic, it is not psychiatric it is a physical illness that has real symptoms and there is hope that you can put together some treatment options that may help them.

Claudia was 13 years old when her body just seemed to run out of energy. It had been a gradual process but with the start of high school and all of the changes that happened at that time the key triggers of this horrific illness where masked. It wasn’t until she passed out that the extent of the problem really became very very obvious.

Sonya Davies is the author and she lives in Melbourne Victoria with her husband of 20 years Mark and her 4 children. A professional woman who has worked in Marketing for 35 years, she had a varied and interesting career, full of travel and many diverse and interesting experiences she always felt that she was very fortunate.

She was not prepared when her 13 year old daughter Claudia passed out in her walk in ward robe and started to suffer seizures. Claudia spiralled very quickly over a period of 5 months into being seriously unwell, being unable to walk, wheel chair bound, using a toilet and shower stool and needing to be carried everywhere. She was 5 foot 5 and weighed 40 kilos. Sonya was beside herself, her life as she had known it stopped, she could not work, she could not leave her daughter alone. She was desperate to get help.

She thought she could get some answers from Doctors or a specialist and they would tell her what to do. Imagine her shock when every test that they did came back normal while her daughter kept getting more and more unwell. That was when the family entered the parallel universe, this universe operates next to but separate from the real universe, this universe is inhabited by the chronically ill, looking for treatments for health issues for which medical professionals have no answers.

She had never felt such despair or realised that such despair was possible for her. She is a positive, can do woman, every adversity has an answer you just have to connect the dots, her daughter was sick, she could not believe that she could not find a person to fix her. But every corner I turned, every doctor or health professional I took her to could not help, I got nowhere, I hit brick wall, after brick wall. My daughter was spiralling into very poor physical condition and suffering deep despair as she was constantly being told that she was hysterical and that this condition was psychosomatic.

She is a very intelligent girl and does not have a hysterical bone in her body. So telling her it was all in her head, her body had turned on pain signals and would not turn them off just made her feel more and more inadequate, obviously she had done something to make this happen. The family saw over 50 health professionals all offering other similarly unhelpful suggestions. Well not suggestions, pronouncements, they all pronounced something and sent them home in agony with no help and no idea where to get help.

Their daughter was unable to sleep, had muscles that got harder and tighter in her arms and

About the Author

Sonya Davies has enjoyed a diverse and interesting 35 year marketing career in Melbourne Australia, where she lives with her husband of 20 years Mark. Life is good. When she found her 13 year old daughter passed out it all changed. Sonya’s life as she had known it stopped. Her daughter’s health deteriorated very quickly in 5 months she became unable to walk, had to use a wheelchair, shower and toilet stool and had to be carried up stairs but every test was normal. Finally a diagnosis, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia so what is the treatment? No treatment not the answer she wanted to hear. This is one woman’s successful battle to save her daughter.