A Spider Trap

Partners In Evil

by Fred L. Ward



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781413454789

About the Book

Pope John Paul II - Tear down your wall of sins

"As a victim of sexual abuse by an alcoholic, pedophile priest at the age of 11, I endorse this book and this message." - Gerald Payne (June 11,2004)

“A Spider’s Trap” the sequel to “Don’t Holler at Me, I Didn’t Write the Bible”, gives a vivid crisis of the problems that are embed throughout the Christian Bible that dove-tail precisely with the problems that are embed in the clergy within the Roman Catholic Church, as well as all denominations of religion established that are of the Christian faith.

Don’t Holler at Me, I Didn’t Write the Bible first deals with the Bible. It was easy, and to be expected, mistakes were made, as they were hand copied and passed from one generation to the next. In many cases, the holder of a bird quill entered his or her own ideas into the manuscript. Under the best possible temperature control, and the best quality print materials, paper, ink, etc… like one might find in the Library of Congress manuscripts would hold its quality, at best, for just a few hundred years. For that reason history has only a few hundred years old manuscripts in existence today.

The modern discovery of allegedly ancient manuscripts has caused some publicity-seeking individuals to endorse these recently discovered manuscripts as authentic. They are nothing more than forgeries, fakes that common sense dictates that no other decision needs to be considered.

The second part of my sequel to Don’t Holler at Me, I Didn’t Write the Bible deals with the sexual abuse of children and young adults by the clergy of the Roman Catholic faith, starting in January of 1992 to December, 2003. As we speak, factual recorded history of child sex abuse by the Roman Catholic clergy and priests – bishops, archbishops, cardinals – as reported in the news print names, dates, places, the cover-ups, suicides, number of priests, bishops, cardinals, their names, location, action taken and by whom, fines paid (totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, some settled, others pending), the selling of church property of the diocese and/or archdiocese, prison for some, names, dates, places, and places where abuse occurred (some were actually performed on the altar).

It makes me want to puke, just one big rotten smell. Now you can see why I dovetailed together the abuse of the Christian Bible in cadence with the abuse of young innocent Christian children. Let there be no mistake about it: your Bible and my Bible is in deep trouble, your church and my church of the Christian faith is in deep trouble.

About the Author

Larry R. Cappetto, creator of “Lest They Be Forgotten” and the Author, Fred L. Ward About the Author -Born on a farm 5 miles southwest of Whitesville, Kentucky in the county of Daviess. - Double promoted twice in grade school, two years of high school. - Given my high school diploma upon making an 85 on graduate test given to seniors of this high school. - Two years of college, two years of law school that was finished in 6 months. - I am not a graduate in any field of knowledge pertaining to any specific studies. I do feel I have as much knowledge in the field of nature as any scientist and more than all of those who are not scientists. More years of studies of nature probably more than anyone in the broad sense of nature as a whole. Because you see, I have 79 years of reading, listening, and observing - 79 years of observing, listening, and reading, 79 years of both - that to me adds up to 237 years of experience, that is enough, don't you think?