Shhh, Don't Tell Mommy

Everything your mother didn't tell you about having kids

by Michelle Falli



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/09/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 57
ISBN : 9781413487824

About the Book

Short Book Summary: At the age of 26, my husband and I decided to start a family. After many Pro and Con lists, we decided the time was right. However, 3 kids later, and age 38, I dicovered just how little MY own Mother told me and discussed with me about having kids of my own! So sink, or swim, here we are parents in the 21st century, struggling with the same things every other parent is struggling with like work, homework, school, play dates, and potty training. I decided to share my escapades in parenthood with the world around me and the parents who like myself, have little or no knowledge whatso ever. This little manual, is meant to laugh at, and shake your head at, and find some commonality to. It is not meant to belittle or demeen motherhood, for it is the hardest job you will ever have. It is meant to share experiences, and Thank my parents, Mom, and Dad, for doing what they did, , and the best way they could.

About the Author

“The Belly Button Book” was created by Michelle DuBois Falli while working as a nurse and mom, I found I was constantly being asked by children to explain what a “Belly Button” was and how it got there. Thus, a story was born! Author: Michelle DuBois Falli is married to Peter, and together have 3 children: Meghan, Allison and Brandon. We live in Virginia and Jupiter Florida with 2 cats 3 dogs, and a lot of love and laughs. Enjoy other books by author: “ SHHH Don’t Tell Mommy”(2005) “ SHHH Don’t Tell Daddy Either” (pending release) “ Shades of Blue” (pending). Contact author via email;