Images of the Present




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 20/07/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781413447798

About the Book


About the Author

Stan Trzoniec is a well-known outdoor writer, photographer and publisher with over 2000 articles published in popular sporting, outdoor, photography, birding and railroad magazines to include Shutterbug, Digital Photography Buyers Guide, Birder’s World, Railway Age and Kalmbach, Wolfe, and InterMedia Outdoor publishing companies. As a photographer, Stan has magazine cover credits that number over 850, has five books published and is currently working on additional large format books on American Railroads and Digital Outdoor Photography. Aside from all this, he teaches photo workshops, has his own line of photographic greeting cards and sells fine art and landscape photographs at local art galleries, shows and on his website. Today, with his heavy involvement in digital photography he travels the country in search of dynamic photographs for his favorite season— Autumn—while at the same time gathering information for his magazine projects that include wildlife and landscape subjects. He believes in taking photos the correct way from the start—and only relies on software programs to enhance his photos for sharpness and minor color adjustments. Stan lives in New England with his wife, two daughters and four grandchildren.