Myth of Magic

by Adam Cole



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 13/01/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 283
ISBN : 9781599261669
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 283
ISBN : 9781599261652

About the Book

Praise for Myth of Magic

“Author Cole will have lovers of the fantasy genre entranced...” The Boox Review

“Myth of Magic is what a fantasy novel really should be.”   Booknet

“Adam Cole´s allegorical fantasy blows away dogmatic religions and governments in his remarkably invigorating metaphor.”   Harriet Klausner

At the Magician´s Guild of Barnady, young Lemyth has just begun to find acceptance when he discovers that someone is trying to close the School of Magic down. To save his new home, Lemyth must brave the wrath of his masters, avoid the watchful eyes of the devious Mayor and, with the help of a mysterious apprentice, invoke the long-dormant powers of magic itself.

Myth of Magic

By Adam Cole

Available Now From Nuncici Press at

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About the Author

Adam Cole is a music educator and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® who lives in Atlanta with his wife and children. He has written the music and text for the unique Ballet Music for the Dance Accompanist, and has completed one other novel, Myth of Magic, as well as the short-story collections Hofstadter’s Grandchildren, and Seven Ways the World Can End. His CD, The End of the Beginning, containing songs about life, death and what’s in between, can be heard at He publishes a monthly newsletter about the Feldenkrais Method® at