Die With The Most Toys

Stuff You Didn't Learn In School

by Thomas Jefferson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/02/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 107
ISBN : 9781436300759
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 107
ISBN : 9781436300742

About the Book

The most powerful force on Earth is the English language! Forty percent of men don’t read books--this according to a Penguin Book ® Survey in New York City that has one of he highest literacy rate in the nation. I can’t imagine how few men read in other parts of the country. Did you know that women are more attracted to men who read books? Women instinctively know that men who read are more educated and are better providers. You only have 60 or so productive years. After that you won’t be worth much even if your brain is still intact. If you live to age 90 you have 80 times 365 days = 29,200 days so don‘t waste it. How many days have you wasted so far? Don’t you think it is time to pick up a book and read it? I know you have been traumatized, held hostage and brainwashed for twelve to fourteen years by the government mandated compulsory school systems. America is the only place in the world that throws parents in jail if they don’t enroll their children in public school.) It’s understandable that after graduating high school you probably never want to read another book in your life. However if you want to earn a living for your family and have a better life you are going to have to educate yourself and reading is the only way! The most powerful force on Earth is the English Language. Learn it and be successful.

About the Author

Henry is a scholar of ancient science, space technology, domestic, international foreign affairs and astronomy. His book, Cosmological Ice Ages shows how our sun was captured by the Sirius star cluster which sped up evolution on earth with increased cosmic and ultraviolet radiation. In the 1970’s Henry Kroll purchased the seventy-foot boat Mary M and fished king crab in the freezing waters of the Cook Inlet and Kodiak. Twenty years and ten million pounds of crab later he started a carrier in writing. His web site is: WWW.AlaskaPublishing.Com.