Book Marketing 101

by Lawrence J. King



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/08/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781477142486
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781477142493

About the Book

Book Review and Book Store Description: Book Marketing 101 for writers and published authors is an awesome book full of interesting and beneficial facts designed to help writers and published authors become successful. Larry King demonstrates his own personal step by step proven marketing strategies to ensure positive results in the realm of becomming a successful published author. This book will be a valuuable tool and reference point to those of you who want to become a well established published author. Almost anyone can become a published author these days, however not everyone can become a best selling author. Lawrence J. King illustrates page after page of successful book marketing tips and pointers that will guide the published author in the direction of focus, determination, and a straight forward goal oriented book marketing specialist to ensure countless numbers of book sales and the happy ever after best selling published author success story. Rose C. Nardi, Vice President Peoples Bank

About the Author

MR. KING is a Non-Fiction Writer, Lawrence J. King is internationally known and locally respected 10X published author. He is also a Honorably discharged U.S. Army Veteran and former Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts Instructor. Mr. King taught Old School Tiger Style Korean Karate to the men and women of the U.S. NATO Armed Forces in Europe as well as teaching private lessons to civilians at his Blue Cottage/ Korean Karate/ Tae Kwon Do way of the feet and hands combat Martial Arts School of Self-Defense in Europe.

Mr. King is also the host of the popular nationwide and worldwide radio podcast. Book Talk with your host LAWRENCE J. KING....
Mr. King's Book Talk Radio Show is a live show, one on one interviews with established published authors, musicians, and people with diverse interests from the local, regional, national, and international scene Lawrence King attributes his success to countless hours of hard work and a Never Quit, Never Give Up mindset. Mr. King comes from the School of Hard Knocks, it's been 5 steps forward and 7 steps backward, while dealing with a life filled with major trials and tribulations. Mr. King believes that no matter what life deals you or you deal yourself in life, you can turn your life around and still become successful in life as long as you apply enormous amounts of focus, utilize self-discipline, will power, intestinal fortitude and have the proper mind set to achieve your goals.

Mr. King's Non-Fiction books were written to benefit people from all walks of life, especially those with a less than perfect past.
Mr. King's message to the world is and he said, "I want to inspire people, I want someone to look at me and say because of you I didn't give up".
Mr. King also said, "Success is my only choice because failure is not an option. NEVER QUIT, NEVER GIVE UP".