Cain Creek

A Work of Fiction

by Jo Ann Pruitt



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 01/09/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 327
ISBN : 9781413498851

About the Book

Beth Gireau struggles with husband Urs, the pastor of a mega church. He is tapped by a fundamentalist coalition to spearhead the election of Ronald Reagan. Beth disagrees with Urs’ politics and his relationship to their daughters. Literally sick, Beth recuperates in a cottage on the banks of Cain Creek. There is Keith Kearney . . . loved before . . . who still loves Beth. CAIN CREEK is a story of betrayal, intrigue, and love. At the climax, television cameras focus on the estranged Gireaus as they make the ultimate choice between integrity and rationalization, love and ambition.

About the Author

JO ANN MCGINNIS PRUITT grew up in Weaver, Alabama. She is a pastor’s wife, serving with husband William over four decades in rural and small city churches. With a degree in Journalism/English from the University of Alabama, Jo Ann won the Birmingham Festival of Arts fiction competition. With Broadman Press, she published a novel LOOKING FOR TOMORROW and a novella ALL IT COULD BE. Eight short stories have appeared in magazines. The Pruitts have two daughters--Tracey, a school psychologist, and Leslie, an elementary school music teacher--and three grandchildren. Jo Ann is active in a Methodist church and is writing a novel A HOME FOR ALEX.