We Remember

Memorial Poems of September 11

by L. A. Jones



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 15/01/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 487
ISBN : 9781436303057
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 487
ISBN : 9781436303064

About the Book

It was a day wherein we deeply felt Life´s twin blade of beauty and of brutality. In the midst of this desert of destruction, we blossomed as a rose of rarer beauty. Our faith grew exceedingly and our love beautifully abounded. God´s grace was sufficient, for on that notable day His strength was made perfect in our weakness. Though our lives were forever changed, we were forever united as a nation.

Such time of sorrow failed to fade America the Beautiful. Religious Hate came forward out of the shadows so we could see it. We put on the breastplate of faith and love and survived the attack of the enemy.

This book is a timeless treasure of memorial poems of September 11. So read We Remember and remember not only the brutality of religious haters but also the beauty of a merciful God.

Author’s Other book:

Heaven Help Us (A Book of Poems)
ISBN: 1-591605-22-9 (Hardback)
Pages: 332
Subject: POETRY/General

Book Description:
As believers, we are to cast all our cares upon God because He cares for us. The vital importance of this is seen in light of the perplexing problems plaguing mankind. In the valley of decision, many find it difficult to exercise faith in God. Subconsciously, many consider Him unapproachable.
But the fact of the matter is that God is very concerned about us. He sovereignly claims He cares for us, yet many are doubtful of such a claim, so many prayerless believers erroneously believe they must face life alone.
Written by L. A. Jones, this book gives four wonderful blessings—enjoyment, enlightenment, endearment, and encouragement—that bring every believer into the full assurance of God´s care for His beloved children on earth.
As you perceive the caring nature of God, you will be challenged to resist self-reliance and begin trusting in Him wholeheartedly. Your prayer life will deepen, your walk of faith will be transformed, and your cup of blessings will run over. Allow God to minister to you in a wonderful way and experience His intimacy and intervention.
Read Heaven Help Us and discover a diamond mine of daily inspiration that will continually bless your soul.

Book Excerpt:

Come and Hear
Come into the holiest place.
Hear great things never known to man.
See the cloud that covers Love´s face.
Learn more of God´s eternal plan.

Come into the light of the Father.
Thirst for the knowledge of the God of salvation.
Hear the harmonious flowing of Wisdom´s water.
Drink deeply of the river of revelation.

About the Author

Christian author of two beautifully soul-touching poetry books—Heaven Help Us and We Remember: Memorial Poems of September 11—L. A. Jones has a tremendous passion for Wisdom on workplace safety. With the statistical nightmare of knowing that every day, more than 12 workers die on the job—and every year, more than 4.1 million workers suffer a serious job-related injury—Jones’ noble vision of empowering employees with Wisdom on workplace safety through his high-spirited writing, is the ever-brightening beckon of hope for steel mills around the world, in their “darkest hours” of not knowing what to do. Jones lives in Magnolia, Arkansas.