Jacob and the Giant Indian

by Big Adam



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/10/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 155
ISBN : 9781456808532

About the Book

“Jacob and the Giant Indian” offers a simple telling of Jacob, a college freshman whose life revolves around music and anything Irish. He discovers a quiet and timid giant who lurks in the shadows at the far end of campus where his haven is a simple wooden swing. The Giant Indian welcomes Jacob into his docile world. Jacob unknowingly holds the key to redeeming the Indian of a nightmare that has tortured him for years, but only after a disaster.

About the Author

“Big Adam” is from Cherokee, North Carolina, and has written 11 books. A graduate of Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama, he is currently working on his doctorate in criminal justice through Northcentral University. While a student at Faulkner his friends gave him his pen name. He enjoys taking long road trips and going to the beach. A member of the Church of Christ and an avid animal lover, he divides his time between friends in Alabama and family in North Carolina.