The Beauty of Spirit

by Lisa Erawoc



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/03/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781450044547
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781450044530

About the Book

Tap the inner most sentiments of your soul as author-poet Lisa Erawoc unleashes her poetic prowess to invite you to see The Beauty of Spirit. Through rhyme and rhythm, she touches on the many facets of life: grief, sorrow, happiness, and rewards. You will find yourself contemplating on your personal relationship with yourself, with others and with God.

Each melodic poem and riveting essay in this highly moving collection will leave you inspired and comforted. From love, friendship, mourning, and spirituality, The Beauty of Spirit will take you through an unforgettable journey of self-searching through mesmeric flow of words...


About the Author

Lisa Erawoc was born in Trinidad & Tobago, an exotic twin island in the Caribbean. She is an educator, poet, published writer, aromatherapist and massage practitioner. Her poems and articles have been featured in Pure Inspiration magazine, The Belmont News, E-Touch massage newsletter, Tyson’s Career Corner, and She currently teaches the healing art of massage and aromatherapy at a post-secondary college in Virginia, United States. Lisa is passionate about yoga, dance, writing and teaching. She is inspired by nature, places and people. She enjoys writing about aromatherapy, yoga, massage, love, spirituality, health and healing. Her personal mission is to use her gift of writing to inspire, heal, motivate and empower. Contact her at: