Power: Exquisite Meat!




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781456809706

About the Book

They do not call him Mr. President or Excellency. They call him PC a clear allusion to a computer… He has control over everything and uses his people as cattle, and often as meat for his food. In the long process, he slowly changes in a dangerous monster like being… Can he by any chance still build his connection with the humankind, and become a man? His Personal Assistance is rather called PA, and quickly changes this in Program Analyst, name he only shares with his closest friends. He pretends to have an absolute control on PC, and advises him for the worst, least human reactions. A cook, named Coop, stands between PC and PA. Though he does not understand anything to the computer configuration, and to its system control, can PC be more human? The novel questions the limits of humankind and PC’s possibility to restore integrity once he has animalized.

About the Author

Felix U. Kaputu is a Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, the United States of America. His experience includes traveling and teaching around the world in which capacity he was exposed to different leaders and leaderships. His past experience particularly in Africa has opened his eyes on dictators’ lust for power built on the corpses and blood of their countrymen. He thinks many other dictators are still on power all around the world. Felix U. Kaputu’s writing skills have led him to his first novels in French published by L’Harmattan. Power: Exquisite Meat is his second publication with XLibris