Stressed Out Heart

Simple Techniques For Keeping Your Heart Healthy

by Kirk Laman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/04/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781469192994
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781469192987

About the Book

Do you feel overstressed?

Do you wonder if stress could be placing You at risk for Heart Disease?

If you do then you need to read “Stressed Out Heart.”

In “Stressed Out Heart”, Dr. Kirk Laman, a board certifi ed cardiologist will help you determine if stress could be putting you or someone you love in harms way. Dr. Laman has over 20+ years of experience in dealing with patients who have heart disease, and he has worked extensively in Helping people overcome their stress. You’ll learn why it’s essential to Overcome Stress Now and why waiting to work on Your stress could be dangerous. Dr. Laman will also share with you some powerful techniques for managing, reducing or eliminating your stress.

Don’t miss this Opportunity to keep your heart Stress Free.

Read Stressed Out Heart and start your healing process immediately.


About the Author