My Story in the Philippines in First Person

in First Person

by Peter Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/06/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781469125725
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781469125718

About the Book

Fate has its way of letting seemingly simple things irrevocably alter the course of people’s lives. This is what Larry Bulger, the hero in Peter Robinson’s new novel, My Story in the Philippines in First Person, discovers.

At 30 years old, Larry is enjoying the rewards that his life and career in the engineering industry brought him. When he signs a contract to work overseas—in the Philippines— he has no idea that the decision will propel him on his first true adventure and inextricably change his life.

From the bustling urban maze work of Manila (the country’s capital) to the mesmerizing Chocolate Hills of Bohol to the anxiety-ridden streets of Basilan, Larry’s voyage will be riddled with excitement, new discoveries, intriguing personalities and, unexpectedly, danger. As Larry becomes immersed in the unique culture and life, he also becomes enmeshed in perilous circumstances he never thought were possible. Soon, Larry will realize some enlightening truths about himself.

Peopled by richly-drawn characters, My Story in the Philippines in First Person unfolds to an adventure of a lifetime and a window into an enchantingly exotic world.

About the Author

Peter Robinson was born the youngest of 8 children in Upper Darby, Pa. August l, 1931. His heritage is '3/4 Irish, '1/8 Scotch, and 'l/8 German. He attended parochial school for eight years and was taught by nuns. In succession he was graduated from Upper Darby HS and then Drexel Institute of Technology. He was drafted and served in the US Army as a Topographic Surveyor in the Inyo National Forest of California. After completing his military obligation, he found work in Baltimore with the B&O RR and then with a number of' engineering firms. Married to Nell Perdieu for 33 years. Nell was from Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. She passed away in 1992. He worked in progressively increasing capacities as a Civil Engineer until 80 Years old. Over a continuous period of 7-years he worked in the Philippines for 5 years traveling throughout most of the main islands and numerous secondary islands while making his residence in Mabini and Makati. My Story features locations that he visited. Otherwise it is mostly fiction, but people he observed first hand influenced the way he depicts the behavior of many characters. I hope I conveyed the impression that I grew to love the people of the Philippines.