The Art of Living & Dying Well

How to extract the nectar from both faces

by Peter Roche de Coppens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/03/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781469175775
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781469175768

About the Book

To live well one must be able to die well and vice versa. Life and death are two faces of the same coin but with a fundamental transformation when one moves from the spiritual dimension to the physical and back to the spiritual. Actually, there is but one thing: Life without beginning and without ending but with two expressions, one on the spiritual plane and the other on the material plane. Today, in the West we find a great paradox: we have made enormous progress at the material, technological level but not at the human and psychological level. One aspect of this paradox is that we do not die well! We are afraid of death, we deny it and seek to postpone it for as long as possible at an enormous human and economic cost. The spiritual tradition always had very substantial cognitive and practical contributions to make to our understanding of life, death, and life after death. The basic objective of this book is to present these contributions and help us die with more dignity and less fear. In fact, this work was written to help you live and die without fear, anxiety, guilt, blame or frustration with an appreciation and gratitude for all our human experiences which include birth, life and death.

About the Author

Peter Roche de Coppens has dedicated more than 50 years of his life and all of his inner and outer resources to the study of spirituality and the awakening of spiritual consciousness. This he applied to sociology, psychology, psychotherapy, education and finally healthcare and medicine. It was Prayer, which he learned from Saints and Sages as well as his own research that helped him heal from a severe motorcycle accident in his early twenties. This led him to study different medical approaches and paradigms to finally systematically introduce the spiritual dimension and consciousness to bring about a new and more integral healthcare paradigm. With degrees in sociology, anthropology and psychotherapy, Dr. Roche de Coppens has taught for more than 35 years at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania where he is still active as a Professor Emeritus. He also taught at other universities, including the Sorbonne (Paris), McGill (Montreal) and the University of Bari (Bari, Italy). He was a spiritual consultant for the United Nations and now is still active as a spiritual consultant for Guna, Italy. He has authored more than 80 books and numerous articles in English, French and Italian.