I Am Losing You

by Andre DeLove Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/07/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781477150627

About the Book

This book starts off with a young couple who are just about to finish college. The young woman finishes with her degree, and the young man gets his degree as a doctor. They both fall in love, and they have friends who also went to college with them. I will give you the main characters’ names. Lanell and Andre are the main characters and James and Carrie are the friends of Andre and Lanell. They all become successful and happy until one of the characters gets cancer and later dies. I do not want to tell all of the story; you must read it. I will say it starts out funny, and then it gets serious. The author of the book entitled "Schizophrenia", brings you "I Am Losing You".

About the Author

Andrei Williams is a truck driver who’s taking some time off from driving trucks to write books. He is also fond of fishing and mountain trekking.