Xlibris TGIF Math By Jim Elander


by Jim Elander



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/09/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9781483605425

About the Book

THINKERS are made, not born, and scores on entrance exams are improved by reviewing the information you may have forgotten! There is an old adage that students need to understand: Mathematics is not a spectator sport! What does that mean? An important part of becoming a CRITICAL THINKER, or a valid DECISION MAKER, besides asking questions, is to recognize words that need defining, and that all decisions are based on definitions, assumptions, and previous accepted rules or laws. All people are eager to be THINKERS, but that ability is not a gift, it is learned, practiced and even forgotten. These activities will review some of the types and methods first encountered in geometry and some problems that are similar to the ones on the SAT, ACT and other entrance exams. In the March 2010 issue of School Science and Mathematics, it was pointed out the two major weaknesses in college freshmen are in geometry and Critical Thinking, hence these 98 activities are involving direct and indirect thinking skills, forms of implications and other types all designed to convert those difficult special days into unique learning fun days. These activities are designed for students (working in small groups) to create the learning situations by doing them with the teacher guidance assisting them to the conclusions. Many of my former students commented that what they enjoyed and learned from the classes, more than anything else, was activities like these, hence, my reason to share some of these with other teachers.

About the Author

Jim Elander, after using the WW 2 GI Bill to attend college, began his teaching career in a small school where he taught all the math and also physics and chemistry. He learned a lot! Then earned his masters in Mathematics and taught one year in a larger school before going to Purdue as a General Electric Fellow for more Math. His next school, 2500 – 4300 students, which was really a college prep public school. (Oak Park and River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL) A school that expected much from the students and faculty. During the 26 years at Oak Park, he was president of two professional organizations, served on many North Central Evaluation teams, and three National Science Foundation programs. Besides being a Department Chair, he also served on the MAA- IL section Geometry committee. In 1990 his first geometry book was published. This is his second innovated geometry program that correlates decision-making skills with geometry. His final teaching position was at North Central College in the 80s before retiring.

The objective for these activities is give teachers some ideas and ways to make the hectic days before holidays or other special days better learning experiences.