Soul Sister

A softer version of The Killing Fields

by Sereena Nightshade



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/04/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781493177844

About the Book

Soul Sister is a softer version of The Killing Fields created by popular fan base demand. Soul Sister thus contains many of the poems from The Killing Fields as well as some additional never before shared poetry from the time frame of the years this writer was mercilessly stalked and an objectified being caught within the tug-of-war between the predator, The One from Afar, the primary adult human co-victim, the local police force in their ineffectiveness made shockingly worse once a callous, clueless, seemingly chauvinistic, spiteful and sometimes emotionally irrational detective was placed on the case and the many helpless oftentimes cages tame animal victims the predator went after in endless compulsive repetitions through the years spanning from October 1999 to the summer of 2004. This was the world of this writer’s nightmarish drafted status – losing the right to be a mere human with human feelings, wants and needs. It was also the backdrop for the “Black Market” style beauty contest and dating winner gets the fantastical prize game put forth by The One From Afar in the middle of The Killing Fields of the stalker’s design from 1999 to mid-2003. In mid-2003 The One From Afar married his true deceiver and vanished from the picture blatantly leaving Sereena Nightshade to die. That final phase in the full range tug-of-war indicated clearly that Nightshade was left to whatever fate may occur, including one of being further hunted, stalked, kidnapped and at some point, tortured, repeatedly raped and murdered since she held no value to the only person who seemed, fictitiously, to care about her at the time. This was the reality of The Killing Fields: One stalker terrorizing/running endless surveillance/tampering with/torturing/murdering animals when he didn’t “mess-up,” likely on purpose leaving them to suffer until his primary human victim had to clean up after his mistakes. One fool allegedly looking for love or reportedly in love with Nightshade. One primary adult human co-victim who was hapless and hopeless. One police detective who didn’t give a darn. And all of the many innocent defenseless victims caught in the middle of this whirl in the stalker’s predatory realm. This scenario or many components of it are not entirely rare for stalking victims as the presence of a stalker isolates the victim and narrows her world until there is almost nothing left – no contacts, no friends, no support system while she must become a soldier despite the inhumane senseless of it all – it so continues.

About the Author