Passport to Effective Prayer Devotion

by Jane Cherop Sang



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/08/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781503579903

About the Book

One of the gifts from the Lord into my life is praying. I love praying so much as the Holy Spirit leads me to do so. I live my life praying and am proud of that. God has kept me because of divine communion with him. God is always looking for someone to stand in gap. God lead me by the power of his mighty to start writing a book on prayer. A prayerless life is a wasted life without God in it .When you discover the secret of prayer, you do not want to be with any at any one moment. Let this book bring the best out of you to discover your divine gifts from the Lord. Something is hidden in you. Pray about it, and in due season, God will bring the best out of you if you seek his face continuously. God hears prayers of his children. A child can pray, and God will answer that child. A young person can pray and God will hear. God is no respecter of persons. Your faith will determine the quality of your prayers. I just want to encourage you to open up your heart to God. He will come in and speak to your heart as his child. Greater is he who is in us than he that is the world. Do not forget that. In Jesus’s mighty name, amen.

About the Author

My name is Jane Cherop sang. I am forty-eight years old, a born-again Christian, brought up in a Christian home. My parents loved God, and they lived a holy life. I am a kalenjin by tribe, and my native language is Nandi. I was born in Africa in a country called Kenya. I love my country. I was a librarian, and I love to do my work with excellence. I love children. My parents were the late Isaiah Boit Sang Arap Ngetuny. My mother's name was the late Hellen Cheboo Sang. She lived a Christian life all her days on earth. I am proud of my parents. God has been my help, my strength, and my refuge. I have a testimony to say. My God has been my Ebenezer all through, and he is the same today now and forever. I have nothing to boost, but my God has made all happen for me. I have one son, Dennis Kiprotich, six sisters and one brother. I love my family. I love to pray, read the Bible, memorize scriptures, and pray in the spirit. God has blessed me with great men of God, who have inspired me to be who I am. My prayer for them is that God continue to keep them in good health, strong, and energize them to see the work of God accomplished in their lives. I am proud of you. All of you are kingdom conquerors for God’s sake. Hallelujah. Amen.