Get Off My Field!




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/03/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781984516299

About the Book

What a delight to see through the eyes of a child. How pure and innocent a child’s thoughts are as the child goes about the daily business of being a child. To DJ, the world was small, and what he loved belonged only to him—that included people, things, and his field.

About the Author

About the Author B.A. Pinkney is a retired federal employee and resides in Baltimore, Md. She has always had a passion for reading and writing. She won her first writing contest while an employee of the Veterans Administration, Baltimore, Md. The essay was entitled “What it means to be a Black Woman living in America.” In 2011, her short story was one of four chosen out of over a thousand entries to be published in a local magazine called “The Urbanite.” This is her second fiction novel. She has also written two children’s books, NAYA AND THE MAGIC WHITE HAT,” and “Get Off My Field!” in her series entitled “The Magical Adventures of Childhood.”