Poetical Works of the Characturess and the Writing Caruso

by Sunnie D. Kidd/Jim Kidd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/10/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781984556295
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781984556301

About the Book

Americans, as a whole, are not and never have been poetic people. Yes, we do have a few exceptions that prove the rule—Dickinson, Poe, Frost. Nonetheless, we are a country steeped in missions of religious and economic freedom, of the corrosive mythologies of manifest destiny, and of hypernationalistic exceptionalism. The legitimation of pursuit is enshrined in our founding documents. Thus, it is a matter of great consequence to come upon not one but two true American poets, such as the Characturess and the Writing Caruso, both of whom have cultural roots in inherently poetic communities. Their voices are able to access a primal dimension, unfettered by anthropocentric superficialities.

About the Author

Sunnie was not only a prolific thinker and writer. She was “The Characturess.” Sunnie had the ability to take a deep look at someone and tell exactly who, what and how one is after seeing that person only once. In this book, however, such ability is infused with some of her other qualities, such as creativity and subtle sense of humor. Jim, the spiritual poet, embraces intuition in order to illuminate the darkness by taking the highest ground possible. “The Writing Caruso,” uniquely yet similar to his forefather, Enrico Caruso, intuitively and cognitively composes philosophical visions in poetry. Sunnie and Jim take inspiration, mainly, from their direct environment, Ocean Beach, located at the most western edge of the United States, Pacific Ocean. Both, just like the ocean, run deep in their vision. Both together, as they always are, give their perspectives on their most loved city, San Francisco. They yield a feel for the sand, waves and sky. Omar S. Alattas Philosopher