A Collection of Testimonies of the Lord’s Work

by Paulette Nkeng Dadey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/03/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781664118119
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781664118126

About the Book

My first book, My Encounters with God, portrays the extraordinary ways God intervened in my life, transforming the impossible into the possible. My second book, My Testimonies: A Collection of Testimonies of the Lord’s Work is my heartfelt offering of praise and honour to Almighty God. It is an opportunity to tell the whole world how faithful, merciful, gracious and mighty the Lord has been to me and others through me because of my trust in Him. Through these pages, you will discover the many facets of God’s character. He is the protector who shields us, the healer who restores us, the miracle worker who defies the odds, the promise keeper who never fails, and the restorer who brings us back to wholeness (Psalm 80:3). He is also the rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him with faith (Hebrews 11:6). By placing my trust in Him, I have witnessed His mighty hand working in ways beyond human understanding. This book also highlights the unwavering truth that God rescues those who love Him and protects those who put their trust in His name. In times of need, when we call upon the Lord, He hears and responds, standing with us in our troubles (Psalms 91:14-16). As His children, if we fully surrender to Him, He will guide our steps, straighten our paths, and turn our circumstances for His divine purpose. We must trust that every situation, whether joyful or challenging, is shaping us into the people He has called us to be. Regardless of how we feel or what challenges we face, we must hold on to the truth that God is in control. When life seems chaotic, we can find assurance in Scripture, knowing that God has always been, is, and will forever be the sovereign ruler over our lives and the world. My prayer for every reader is that this book strengthens their faith and leads them to trust in Almighty God wholeheartedly. May they seek His will in all things, and as they do, may God illuminate their path and direct their steps (Proverbs 3:5-6).

About the Author

She is an official of the United Nations in Switzerland. She has a great passion to live for God, and love and serve Him, the King over all the earth, the One who subdues the nations before us putting our enemies beneath our feet. She learned to trust God, even more, when things felt unsteady and uncertain. As a result, God gave her a firm foundation. Going through the storms and earthquakes increased her trust in God and her faith in God’s promises. She further learned that even though she may tread on a rough road and encounter countless trials and troubles, God serves as the solid rock she can cling to. Difficulties are God’s opportunities to do miracles. She has put the roots of her faith down deep into God so that she can withstand any storm she may face. She encourages readers to trust and obey the Word of God as a sure way to overcome the challenges of our world. They should cling to God’s saving hands in the midst of life’s storms.