Light of Thumar

Thumar Saga 1

by M. Timothy Murray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9798369423417
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9798369423424

About the Book

Welcome to the Thumar Saga– a diverse world where the founding families face imminent disaster threatening their planet. Sacrifices must be made, alliances forged, and destinies rewritten in this thrilling fusion of science fiction, adventure, action, and romance. Love and duty entangle the hearts of Captain Derak Jamar III, risen from the slums of Earth, and Thumarian elite, Ambassador Shesain Andehar. Before he can truly understand her and this marvelous planet with their strange courting customs, a catastrophic cosmic event threatens their lives. Derak has seven days to save them all. “Memorable, entertaining, and thrilling, author M. Timothy Murray’s Light of Thumar is a must-read sci-fi and fantasy novel and perfect introduction to the author’s Thumar Saga Series. The twists and turns in the narrative and the dynamic character interactions that really flesh out this world (or should I say worlds) will keep readers hanging onto the edge of their seats as the action culminates in a hopeful note for the future, and a love that knows no bounds.” - Pacific Book Review

About the Author