Rolly Meets Friends

by SV Elling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/12/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781669890386

About the Book

Rolly is a beach ball. Rolly spends the night safe in the barn shed on the farm. In the morning Rolly meets Flappy, the duck. Flappy is delighted to have found a new friend and plays with Rolly. This gets Rolly to roll and see and meet new friends and new surroundings. Do read on to enjoy Rolly meeting up with Judith, the Goldfish, Molly, the sheep dog as well as meeting up with Rolly's four friends Ami, Tom, Lisa and Sean.... This is the second of several Rolly books. Further manuscripts are: Rolly has an adventure, Rolly goes to school, Rolly goes to the beach, Rolly on the farm, Rolly visits town, Rolly explores.

About the Author