Violet Valentine – Assignment Asia

The Empire of the Three Lights

by Wayne Gobert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/07/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9798369496640
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9798369496633

About the Book

In 1946, Commodore Valentine discovers a mysterious abandoned child with a noble Baltic background. He raises her as his perfect Athenian Spartan daughter named Violet. But her idyllic life at Clifftops is shattered when she is sent to Boarding School at 14. Her Father dies suspiciously when she is 16. Violet matures into a beautiful, and resilient, multilingual athlete and fighter. She also learns charm, humour, and empathy. At 21, she survives the KGB uncovering her father’s investigation of traitors known as The Trinity. As the charismatic and solitary loner, code-named Poison Ivy, she is the perfect asset with no emotional attachments. This story takes her on an exhilarating journey through the 1960s as she is selected and trained by ASIS, then sent to various Asian countries discovering the mysterious death cult, The Empire Of The Three Lights. Despite facing challenges like drugging, street fights, over amorous villains, kidnapping, and torture, Violet remains sharp-witted and determined to seek justice and avenge her father. She also strives to protect the Anglo Australian ICBM program and prevent the use of The Cobalt Bomb. However, things become more dangerous when she is abducted and forced to fight in The Arena of Death in the Laotian jungle. Her final showdown takes place in Vietnam, where her enemies plan to sacrifice her in their temple. As threats loom and a traitors lurk, the ever-watchful KGB and Trinity hover.

About the Author

Wayne Gobert is a graduate of the Royal Australian Naval College. He served in the Navy as Maritime Warfare Officer specialising in intelligence operations. His career included command of a warship and supporting Allied operations during the liberation of Kuwait. He served in the Australian intelligence community. After he left Naval Service he embarked on a career path in human resources. He received The Medal Of The Order of Australia for his work in the community. He now lives on The Hawkesbury River north of Sydney with his Artist wife Jacki. This book is of course a work of fiction; the historical backdrop and methods used are mainly accurate.