For This Purpose Jesus Manifested
That He might destroy the works of the devil
Book Details
About the Book
The devil has given himself a mandate to fight everything our heaven Father is doing on earth by fighting the man God put on earth, to discontinue the work of worshipping and serving God. As a thief, satan continues to steal things from the children of God. As a result for God to bring everything back in order, He had to send the Lord Jesus Christ to come and restore man’s authority and mandate back to man, which was lost in the garden of Eden, the Garden of God. In this book you will learn a few principles that led to the Lord Jesus Christ to be sent to us, so that we could once more assume our rightful position in the Kingdom of God. And as such begin to exercise the authority over the devil and his corhots. Jesus has given us His name to operate in and defeat the enemy.
About the Author
Leonard Fwati is Pastor and Founder of Calvary Full Gospel in Ndola with affliation to other churches in Zambia. Also a branch church in Melbourne Australia.