Mr. Sonny

by Baker Foard



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 20/09/1999

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 213
ISBN : 9780738811222
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 213
ISBN : 9780738811239

About the Book

Sonny is a young survival training student, when suddenly he receives a call from God.  The invitation arrives in the mail with no stamp.  He is confused but decides to answer the call.

He travels to a small church in Alice, Vancouver Island where he meets three men right out of the bible.  They give him comfort and hope and give him his mission for life. Armed with the will of God and the hope for the future, Mr. Sonny sets out across the nation to being the message, deliver hope, ease the pain, and spread love where ever he can.  He has to battle the evil set up for him and does so with joy in his heart.  Mr. Sonny meets many different people but his future is set and he meets all challenges.


Sonny is in the miltary and is studying survival training at Fairchild Airforce Base outside Spokane, Washington.  He is a typical young man who really isnt too sure about his future or what he wants to do. Arriving home one afternoon, he retrieves the mail and throws it on the kitchen table of his apartment.  It isnt until the following day, when he looks at the mail and descovers a very unusual invitation.

The invitation is only a square card but there is no stamp and it simply asks Sonny to come, followed by an address.  This really worries him and confuses him.  He ponders the card for three days.  At one time, he even tries to throw it away, but when he moves to the next room, or goes outside, there the card is waiting for him.

Sonny decides to accept the invitation and travels to Alice, Vancouver Island, where, right before his eyes, a long destroyed church re-appears.  Sonny enters the church and meets three of the orginal deciples and the Apostle Paul.  They give him the message and explain his mission.  They arm him with the will of the Lord and send him out to spread the word.

Sonny is accompanied by his own private little angel who helps him along his way.  And so, with angels and the love of Jesus in his heart, he sets out across the nation to spread the word, battle evil and help the people strengthen their faith. It is a mamouth job but he feels the call and must follow the mission set down for him.

From Seattle to Florida, Sonny travels the main roads, the back roads and the side roads meeting people and helping where he can.  The problems are many and varied and his task is a daunting one.  From parental abuse to the neglect of a child, from a Christmas miracle which touches the hearts and minds of all to a lonely cowboy studying his Bible on the prarie, Sonny takes it all in and is a bastian of joy for all to see.  His faith is strong and no matter where he goes, people cannot help but be touched by his warmth and kindness.

Not for two thousand years has there been anyone on the Earth like Mr. Sonny.  The evil one tries to stop him, but Mr. Sonny sweeps him aside as the mission comes first.  One problem after another leads to one joy after another and Sonny leads the way.

About the Author

Baker Foard was born in Sherman, Texas and grew up in Houston. His interest in the theatre led him to teach and direct drama in the high schools of Texas for over thirty years. Bake traveled to Saudi Arabia where he began a new career teaching ESL. He is a graduate of the University of North Texas and has a Masters Degree in Speech and Theatre. He also holds an RSA CELTA Certificate in teaching English to Adults from Cambridge University, England. This is his first book, however a sequel is planned.