Jesus and John

by Dr. Pelham K. Mead III



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/11/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781493129409
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781493129393
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781493129416

About the Book

The novel Jesus and John delves into the childhood years of Jesus and his second cousin John the Baptist. It researches how Jesus came to be such a great miracle medical healer and how John The Baptist got his spiritual training. Both men may well have joined the Essene societies near them. John may well have joined the Qumran Essene community by the Dead Sea which was a monastic community. Jesus living in Northern Galilee chose to join the secret Essenes on Mount Carmel which was walking distance from Nazareth where Jesus lived. The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the Gospels and prayers of the Essenes which parallel the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. John the Baptist’s lifestyle was copied after the prophet Elijiah, and Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated a more liberal Essene lifestyle of simple life, prayer, and the coming of the Messiah or the Righteous Teacher. Jesus and Johns involvement with the Essene communities were always kept a secret so that the enemies of the Essenes (the Pharisees and Saducees) would not be able to take out their anger on these two preachers.

About the Author

Dr. Pelham K. Mead III Biography Previous novels Autumn Winds over Okinawa, 2011, (Historical Fiction),Xlibris Publishers The Chinese Crystal Ball, 2012, (Mystery), Authorhouse Publishers The Junior High, 2012, (fiction), Xlibris Publishers The 23rd Psalm, 2013, (Science fiction), Xlibris Publishers Education Doctoral degree in Educational Administration from Columbia University, NY, 1992. Sixth level Administrative Certificate program, New Paltz University, NY, 21 credits Master of Education degree from Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 1967 Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education and Health, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass, 1966. Academic Diploma from Freeport High School, Freeport, NY, 1961